1.5 oz. SKYY Infusions Cherry
0.5 oz. white creme de cacao
4 oz. Hot Cocoa
1 oz. Half 'n Half
Whipped Cream
Maraschino Cherry
These bowls were first introduced by Paloma’s Nest as ring bearer bowls but really can be used to store jewelry or any little trinkets. These favors are perfect for most wedding styles and would look beautiful incorporated with the table design.
I love these reusable Chewing the Cud gift wraps, which are perfect for a green wedding. I could see them beautifully folded on the table or the wrapping for a box of truffles or other edible favor.
Who doesn’t love letterpress stationery? I mean really. At each place setting (or in a basket somewhere) you could put together an assortment of different stationery and tie them with a beautiful ribbon and a thank you note.
Any one have other fun favor ideas?
'Tis the season for proposals and on top of the gifts to buy, parties to attend, and cookies to bake you need to start planning a wedding.
I know you feel the incredible urge to immediately pick a date, buy a dress, create a guest list, choose your colors, and pick out wedding bands, but please for your sanity, take it one step at a time.
Whether you are planning a wedding in a year or 6 months the following tips will help you jump start your plans, without the added stress.
1. Share the news with your friends and family. Enjoy sharing your engagement story with them and soak in all the emotion and well wishes. This time goes by so quickly.
2. Determine your budget. This task is so important. It will allow for your planning to be less stressful and will help narrow down options for many aspects of your day. Also, get comfortable talking about your budget. Many vendors will ask your budget and telling them will really make the process of working together easier. Trust me, vendors don’t want to sell an idea to a bride that she can’t afford, but we don’t know unless you tell us.
3. Create a guest list. This task and determining your budget go hand in hand. Without a solid budget there is no way for you to determine the size of wedding you can have. If it helps, create guidelines for who makes the cut and remember to be consistent. It will make completing the guest list much easier. (check out the guidelines I used here.)
4. Choose the date. When choosing a date remember that popular months (read: June, July, August, September, and October) book quickly with talented vendors and also may be more expensive. This shouldn't deter you by any means, it just means you need to prioritize and hire vendors that are important to you first.
Happy Planning!
Do not, under any circumstance, hold your glass like any of the following:
Yes, you are holding the glass by the stem but the death grip makes you look ridiculous and purple hands are never attractive.
The glass is not a basketball. There is no need to palm it.
Well, today is the day that I jump right into discussing all things weddings. With planning season upon us it is time for brides to think about style. Style is an important element that sometimes is overlooked in the excitement of beginning to plan a wedding.
I am not sure why, but discussing style seems to be difficult for most brides. They get a glazed over, deer in headlights look on their face as soon as the “s” word is mentioned. But, brides, it really doesn’t need to be like that!
Below are my tips for defining your wedding style:
Remember, no one has any expectations of your wedding style. It can be whatever you want it to be!
For those readers who aren’t familiar with my Recessionista Series (which can be found on the right side of the blog,) I’d like to share a little more about myself. Below you’ll find a list of some of my favorite things in life and other random fun facts. Enjoy!
Thanks for reading my random fun facts!